What’s new in Storman Cloud? (October 2021)

What’s New?
October 2021

Christmas is creeping around the corner at a great rate of knots! To take your mind off all that entails, we suggest you read on to learn about all the shiny new features in Storman…  Our team has been busily working to bring you a stack of performance enhancements, fixes, and new features designed to make managing your self-storage facility easier. As always, if you’d like to view our full release notes, you can find them via our support portal – go check it out!

Here’s a quick run-down of some of the latest and greatest in Storman Cloud. Read on to learn more!

Unit Check got a makeover!

We’re so excited about this one it got its own post – click here to read all about it.

Our Unit Check feature, designed to be used on a mobile or tablet device while you walk around your facility, has had a huge update! Unit Check is now more mobile responsive, and much easier to use on your handheld devices. We’ve introduced the ability to quickly view key information about the units and who’s renting it, easily change unit statuses as you’re inspecting them, send an SMS directly to the customer, and create your own tasks – or use our template ones, for a shortcut!

Run, don’t walk – go see it in action by clicking here.


See the access/lock status of a customer at a glance.

We have made it much easier to see the access/lock status of a customer when opening their agreement. We now show this in the header next to their name!

We can see that our storer Edwin Jarbis is overlocked just by glancing at the text next to his name!


Shiny new permission control, to keep your site safer!

You now have control over who can and can’t use the always allow entry tickbox in an agreement pictured below.

Ticking this box will always allow a customer access to your facility, regardless of how overdue they become. Storman will never lock them out.

This permission is off by default, so straight away this tickbox is going to be hidden for everyone now – but fear not, simply go to your user roles section and enable this permission for each user role you would like to be able to use it.


New control over item codes.

Speaking of permissions and controls, we have added a great new feature here.

It is now possible to select which of your user roles can and cannot use certain item codes manually (when adding charges to reservations or agreements).

Perfect if you want to limit certain user groups to not being able to sell a certain item, or being able to add a deposit or late fee to your customers.

When editing item codes you now have a new section, where you can tick each of the user roles that are allowed to use the item – in the below example we have four user role groups, and only members of the Users role and Super Admin role are allowed to manually add a Rental Fee charge.

All of your item codes will be enabled for everyone by default after this cloud update – you will need to go and turn off access to the codes you no longer want available.


General improvements.

We’re all about trying to make things as easy as they can be, so we’ve made some general improvements.

    • We have added a new invoice template for you to choose from, this displays: the paid to date, the balance owing, a total amount of the invoice, the due by date of the invoice and the next bill date!
    • We have added hyperlinks to the insurance coverage report.
    • The notice to vacate report will now let you know if a unit has been reserved to someone else, and who that reservation is.
    • Throughout Storman Cloud, we have slightly darkened some of the fonts used to make it clearer. Hopefully, things look better for you all now!


As always, if you have any questions – we’re here to help! You can get in touch with our Support team by clicking here.