Storman Cloud now offers a way to automatically delete customer information after move-out!

We’re pleased to introduce our new Personally Identifiable Information deletion tool, available for facilities using the Storman Cloud self-storage management platform!

Your storage facility holds a lot of information about your business and your customers – including names, addresses, and payment information. This information (known as PII – Personally Identifiable Information), if it fell into the wrong hands, could place your storers at risk of identity theft – so it’s important to look after it.

Removing the personal information of past customers when it’s no longer required can help reduce your liability in case of a breach, and is a great step to take in terms of improving your data security.  Permanently deleting the personal information of your previous storers lowers the amount of data available to any would-be identity thieves!

To help self-storage facilites remove any sensitive data about previous storers, we’ve created a PII Deletion Tool for Storman Cloud. This allows you to set up the automatic deletion of sensitive customer information a certain period of time after they’ve moved out, so you don’t need to worry about logging in and doing it manually.


Keen to get started? If you’ve got any questions, or if you’d like to get your facility set up to use our PII Deletion Tool, read our how-to guide by clicking here!


Learn about PII Deletion Tool